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Ashley Madison

This is a basic informative webpage based on the Ashley Madison hacks of personal details to the public. Basic use of HTML and CSS

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Ball bounce

Ball Bounce uses coords and boundaries to bounce a ball while continuing its velocity

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Calorie Burner Calculator

This project uses text boxes and calculation using javascript to accurately calculate how much calories one burns

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This is the first use of div tags to create a collage of picture the represents me and the hobbies I undertake

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Craps was our first html game based on the C# one during Gita 1. It’s a simple dice game based on chance.

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Madlibs is a project where you enter verbs and adjectives, once complete the verbs and adjectives will be put into a pre made story.

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Tech Project

Tech Project was one of our first projects. It uses basic HTML and CSS with clickable images that lead to other webpages. Gives information of innovative technology today.

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Xtreme webpage was our first attempt at a viable web page with interactive elements to it.

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Watch as a mindless fish swim in a box

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Fish 2

Watch the same mindless fish, but being attacked by a freshwater jellyfish

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Space Invaders

Half of the iconic classic

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Space Invaders 2

A replica of the iconic classic, but with only one invader and non of the jazz

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Cool Boards

Rent snow boards for your snow needs with this project using basic java script and html